Whereas the Redfield Estates Association (REA) has the authority to publish and enforce Rules and Regulations governing the use of the Common Properties by its members (Articles of Association, Article II, section (g)).
Whereas REA members may be denied the use of the Common Properties if they do not adhere to the Rules and Regulations and also keep current with their annual assessments (Declaration of Covenants, Article IV, section 3 & 4).
Whereas the Common Properties contains the drinking water supply to the homes of the REA, it must be protected from gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, antifreeze or any other harmful contaminants.
Therefore the REA has established the following Rules and Regulations
to protect the REA Water Supply,
to protect the Common Properties from excessive damage or abuse,
to limit the liability exposure to the REA and
to allow reasonable use and access to the Common Properties by REA members and guests.
Rules and Regulations
Only REA members and their tenants and/or guests are allowed on the Common Properties. REA members must notify the REA Secretary via writing or email of the name and relationship of any tenants or guests (By-Laws, Article IV, Section 2).
Any use of the Common Properties must be quiet enough so as to not become a nuisance to the neighborhood.
To keep the Common Properties clean, the REA has a strict carry-in, carry-out policy for everything. This means what ever you carry in, you must take with you when you leave no matter how small it is.
Dumping is not allowed on the Common Properties. Nothing may be deposited on the Common Properties without prior written permission from a member of the Board of Directors.
Tree cutting or fires are not allowed on the Common Properties without prior written permission from a member of the Board of Directors. Fires will also require proof of a valid permit from the fire department.
The owner(s) of any motor vehicle on the Common Properties must have suitable liability insurance to protect the REA, its property, and its members and guests from damage by the operation of the motor vehicle. The owner(s) additionally agree to hold the REA, its members and guests harmless and not liable for their actions while operating a motor vehicle on the Common Properties.
There is to be no refueling of a motor vehicle while on the Common Properties. The operator of any motor vehicle must ensure that there are no spills or leaks of gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, antifreeze or other harmful contaminants onto the Common Properties.
The maximum speed for any motor vehicle while it is being operated on the Common Properties is 10 MPH.
A motor vehicle must never be left unattended on the Common Properties.
No motor vehicle shall be allowed to damage any of the natural resources of the Common Properties.
These published rules and regulations supersede any previously published REA rules and regulations.
Updates to these Rules and Regulations may be established by majority vote of the REA members present at any legal REA meeting and will be posted next to the entrance to the Common Properties.
The Redfield Estates Association hopes that our members and guests will enjoy the Common Properties with respect for their neighbors and the land.
Enacted and approved by vote of the REA members on November 7, 2007.
Additional information: If you wish to have a fire on the common property then you must obtain board approval 24-48 hours before. You will also need a fire permit for your residence and call the fire dept to ensure weather conditions permit having a fire that day.